Kamis, 30 April 2009

Deficit more than Rp 24 Milliard

Jum’at, 1 Mei 2009
Deficit more than Rp 24 Milliard

Without attendance 2 Vice Chairman of DPRD - A
PBD Blora specified

Blora - Indonesia, Suara Rakyat.-

After getting ultimatum of BIbit Waluyo Jateng gubenur finally APBD (Revenue Plan Expense Area) Blora 2009, Saturday ( 25 / 4) night finally specified in plenary conference [of] DPRD. Various side express easy with that condition. Its section, specified of APBD, Blora estimated will not be hit [by] sanction of Central Government. In stipulating of this APBD year, without attended both deputy of DPRD (Parliament Area) namely HM K
usnanto and of H Ibrahim Mahmudi because something matter.


Ease from many that well founded side seems. Cause, beside during the time there are exhortation of problem gubenur solution of APBD which not yet also ended, pursuant to information expanding, if until 25 April of APBD not yet been specified, Blora will be hit by sanction of Central Government.

That sanction in the form of amputation of public allocation fund ( DAU) 
25% and withdrawal of special allocation fund ( DAK). If until that thing happened, have of course big lossy Blora.

Chief of DPRD Blora HM Warsit express its ease finishedly it him big duty which enough extort the energi. '' Easy likely, remain for to next phase us hope all side is immediately continued so that Blora can immediately develop;build and governance can walk normally,'' explicitly its.

According to him, do not the problem of if stipulating of that APBD of him remain to leading. Very out of reason if solution and stipulating of that APBD assumed null and void him cause leading plenary conference. '' Rightful claimant express validity or not it that APBD must it governor,'' clear of Warsit.

Nowadays, phase of APBD hereinafter is immediately done, namely ask approval of governor. Warsit estimate, moment consulted to governor, there will be no constraint meaning. Its section, solution of APBD during the time have as according to order.

Meanwhile, after passing various ebb process, deficit APBD Blora finally reach Rp 24,5 milliard. That number, according to Warsit, have pursuant to is maximal of deficit.

That Deficit number have time to go up and down. [At] solution of RAPBD in SARANGAN City ending 22 April contained by budget deficit of Rp 10 milliard.

Deficit at that time estimated still peaceful because in calculation there will be sharing holder fund of Rp 2,5 fund clipping and milliard levying of motorbike and car a number of SKPD (Office) Rp 4 milliard. Become, to be forecasted deficit of APBD only Rp 3,5 milliard.

But, go home from SARANGAN City, Committee Budget ( Panggar) DPRD continue budget clarification a number of SKPD which not yet touched. Under consideration that, a number of budget post in a number of natural SKPD increase till is finally found final number of deficit of Rp 24,5 milliard. ( Roes)

Bahasa Indonesia

Defisit lebih dari Rp 24 Miliar

Tanpa kehadiran 2 Wakil Ketua DPRD - RAPBD Blora ditetapkan

Blora, Suara Rakyat.-

Setelah mendapat ultimatum dari gubenur jateng Bibit Waluyo akhirnya RAPBD Blora 2009, Sabtu (25/4) malam akhirnya ditetapkan dalam sidang paripurna DPRD. Berbagai pihak menyatakan lega dengan kondisi itu. Pasalnya, dengan ditetapkannya APBD, Blora diperkirakan tidak akan terkena sanksi dari Pemerintah Pusat. Dalam penetapan APBD tahun ini, tanpa dihadiri kedua wakil ketua DPRD yakni HM Kusnanto dan H mahmudi Ibrahim karena sesuatu hal.

Kelegaan dari banyak pihak itu tampaknya cukup beralasan. Sebab, di samping selama ini sudah ada teguran dari gubenur soal pembahasan APBD yang belum juga usai, berdasarkan informasi yang berkembang, jika sampai 25 April APBD belum ditetapkan, Blora akan terkena sanksi dari Pemerintah Pusat.

Sanksi itu berupa pemotongan dana alokasi umum (DAU) 25% dan penarikan dana alokasi khusus (DAK). Jika sampai hal itu terjadi, sudah tentu Blora rugi besar.

Ketua DPRD Blora HM Warsit menyatakan kelegaannya dengan rampungnya tugas besar yang cukup memeras energi tersebut.

‘’Lega rasanya, tinggal untuk babagan-babagan berikutnya kami berharap semua pihak segera menindaklanjuti supaya Blora bisa segera membangun dan pemerintahan bisa berjalan normal,’’ tandasnya.

Menurutnya, tidak masalah jika penetapan APBD itu tetap dia yang memimpin. Sangat tidak beralasan kalau pembahasan dan penetapan APBD itu dianggap tidak sah lantaran dia yang memimpin sidang paripurna.
‘’Lagian, yang berhak menyatakan sah atau tidaknya APBD itu mestinya gubernur,’’ jelas Warsit.

Kini, tahapan APBD selanjutnya segera dilakukan, yakni meminta persetujuan gubernur. Warsit memperkirakan, saat dikonsultasikan ke gubernur, tidak akan ada kendala yang berarti. Pasalnya, pembahasan APBD selama ini sudah sesuai dengan aturan.

Sementara itu, setelah melalui berbagai proses pasang surut, defisit APBD Blora akhirnya mencapai Rp 24,5 miliar. Angka itu, menurut Warsit, sudah sesuai dengan ketentuan maksimal defisit.

Angka defisit itu sempat timbul tenggelam. Pada pembahasan RAPBD di Sarangan yang berakhir 22 April tercantum defisit anggaran Rp 10 miliar.

Waktu itu defisit diperkirakan masih aman karena dalam perhitungan akan ada dana bagi hasil Rp 2,5 miliar dan pemangkasan dana pengadaan mobil dan sepeda motor di sejumlah SKPD Rp 4 miliar. Jadi, diprediksi defisit APBD hanya Rp 3,5 miliar.
Namun, sepulang dari Sarangan, Panitia Anggaran (Panggar) DPRD melanjutkan klarifikasi anggaran di sejumlah SKPD yang belum tersentuh. Dalam pembahasan itu, sejumlah pos anggaran di sejumlah SKPD mengalami kenaikan hingga akhirnya ditemukan angka akhir defisit Rp 24,5 miliar. (Roes)

Senin, 27 April 2009


Anticipatory of Disappointed People Newly

I have just friend mention so called Hariyanto. He is a Functional GOLKAR caleg for the DPRD OF Jateng with area election of Blora ( Dapil) Vinicity. In campaigning, he do not intersperse money, enough through approach to society groups. Fund which he release pittance, Rp 50 million.

Though its friends humanity of caleg mean have finished Rp 50 million. " If by approach of liver to this liver, I chosen hence I will strive for the sake of people. But if I do not be chosen. All candid me. People determining," word of Hariyanto.
Hariyanto step become materials laugh humanity of caleg. He is assumed is bizzare. Cook to grab chair become ' respectable people' with production about Rp 30 million one month as member of DPRD Jateng, only have capital to of Rp 50 million

" just I which have released Rp 500 million, not yet chosen of course," say a caleg of other big party.
According to him, capital for the caleg of DRPD sub-province / municipality around Rp 200-300 million, Provinsi DPRD about Rp 600 million, for the DPR-RI OF fund which must be prepared by Rp 2-3 milliard. " With fund equal to just that not yet chosen of course , more than anything else merely Rp 50 million," he/she said at the same time laugh.

Who is wrong, Hariyanto or one who laugh at it? If You assess that real correct is Hariyanto, hence there will be no caleg which is heavy stres and enter mental hospital after legislative election. Nor there is caleg duplicating money to the expense of campaign and also Nor there will be caleg which mortgage house and its car such as those which often broadcasted in television.

But, if You do not agree with step of Hariyanto, hence that happened like this time. Crowded Caleg of capital searching variously to be earning voice as much as possible to be can ' nangkring' in chair of DPRD / DPR RI. After becoming ' respectable people' then forget with its people because he feel have paid to the order of people chosening. Become just fair if waiting proxys in DPR forget with its promise of campaign moment.
In a period of campaign, people impressing celebrate by exploiting directly and also indirectly all caleg. We see how much/many fund triliun all caleg start DPR-RI until DRPD sub-province / municipality of Indonesia.

If for the DPR-RI OF and of DPD there is 12. 417 caleg and each Rp 1,5 milliard, hence there is money [about/around] Rp 18 triliun ' channelled' to society good to making of baliho, poster, direct aid and advertisement. Amount of larger ones again come from all DPRD provinsi caleg and of DPRD sub-province / municipality which its amount hundreds of thousand caleg.

Can be told, during people campaign celebrate with money from all caleg. Nowadays, after contrengan 9 April, which party will change to all chosen caleg. During 5 year they will enjoy capital which have been released, plus with its advantage. its Advantage form can all kinds of for example advantage of production, enjoyment as ' respectable people' with all its facility.

How with caleg which do not be chosen? Put its comparison 1: 10, its meaning from 10 caleg only one is chosen, then which is 9 caleg going to where ? This is crisis which need to be taken heed after legislative general election. To candid caleg like Haraiyanto hence he will not do commotion if do not be chosen. But to majority of caleg which have held the bag inside out but do not be chosen, hence he will become disappointed people newly. Where they will wreak its disappointment ?

Disappointed people newly coming from all caleg which fail, might possibly wreak its disappointment at lacking of general election process, previous it is true have been highlighted by a number of party ( specially party of nonpemerintah).

Though, new system of general election 2009 complicated so, even most complicated in world, difficult to so that avoid insuffiency. Which have been found, there [is] double name in elector list remain to ( DPT). Or there is citizen which enter DPT but do not get invitation chosen, so that cannot mencontreng; existence of ballot converted etc.

Can also happened that disappointed newly people will gaze at its chance because still always remember big capital which have float to lose. Surely between twined by them is debt and ignore how to pay for it. Stres Caleg-caleg which even tend to stres, of course will by dozens. Likely in moderation if is final this article, I explain concept what is going on in new legislative general election context we experience with. Because all caleg or each and everyone ( especially big ambition owner in business) not yet of course can accept fact of life.

They are only can accept reality is such as those which concepted in its just mind. He do not ready to fail though he or she often tell to win or fail in general election is habit.
Utterance and conscience his differ even interfere in. He understand correct that in 10 caleg only one chosen while which is 9 failing. He is only ready for becoming which is one, non which is nine that unsuccessful.

Concept which which I write is true cannot be locked out of religion. Because in people religion taught by behavior of candid me. While practical political education, exactly see to avoid to feel ihklas. In consequence feel this candid have to study xself by all caleg to be growing patterned thinking and behavior fact that happened.

Idea what will happened non in narrow;tight meaning like " Waiting I can be chosen or [do] not" but deeper than that namely " I wait to like ( bahagia) or is hard ( misery)". If in the reality you What have do to end in disappointment, hence meaning You of including one who is not honest.

Just In fact easy to to get indicator what is You a which is is " Honest" or on the contrary. If You have feel to like to give than accepting, or You are grateful always with situation this time, hence You have entered katagori one who are " Honest that happened".

( Penulis:Drs Ec. Agung Budi Rustanto, Editor Tabloid SUARA RAKYAT / Voice People)